Naoki Matsudo (De:vadasy)


is a three-episode OVA anime series based on the video game of the same name released in 2000. The series follows Kei Anno, a teenage boy selected by the SPIRITS origination to pilot the Devadasy mecha and fight alien nanomachines that have landed on Earth. As Devadasy is a machine powered by "sexual energy", a male and two female pilots are required, with the two females being his childhood friend Naoki Matsudo, and the mysterious telepath Amara Minakushi.

Biological Unit

In the series second episode, the Devadasy mecha is unknowingly "impregnated" during a battle with one of the alien machines. When Devadasy is taken back to SPIRITS headquarters, it is recommended that the mecha "recover" from it's damage on it's own before being used again, though Kei and Amara ignore this warning.

In the third episode, Kei and Amara enter Devadasy, which triggers the birth of the new alien ship. Kei is almost killed in the process as Devadasy draws too much energy from him during it's labor, but is healed quickly after the ship is finally born. The newborn (in a energy ball form) rampages through the SPIRITS facility in search of it's own pilot, finding Naoki Matsudo to be a suitable host.

After SPIRITS triggers a bomb that destroys the complex entirely, the newborn absorbs the blast from the bomb to give itself a physical mecha form, leaving it and Devadasy the only survivors of the explosion. Kei spots that Naoki has been abducted by the alien craft and begins to fight, eventually emerging victorious in the battle after pulling Naoki from the cockpit.


The newborn approaches Devadasy, revealing Naoki as it's pilot.

Naoki is protected by an amber-colored glass.

"Help me. I don't want to ride Devadasy..."

Devadasy pulls Naoki out of the newborn, which deactivates the ship.

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