Karuma (Kishin Douji Zenki)


Series Overview

Kishin Douji Zenki (also known as Demon God Child Zenki, or simply as Zenki) is a 1995 Japanese animated series comprised of 51 episodes, and based on a manga series of the same name. The series focuses on Zenki, a reincarnated demon warrior who battles against the various wielders of dark magic.

Biological Unit

The series' 22nd episode ("Guardian Village Destroyed; Water Formation") reveals that the human sorceress Karuma has bonded herself to a Tree of Evil, which allows her to create and grow Seeds of Evil (nut-like monsters that turn humans into demons known as Hyouinomi).

The 25th episode ("The Last Battle! The End of Karuma!") sees Zenki and his companions finally confronting Karuma in her tree form. Karuma tells the heroes that within the Tree of Evil are the residents of the nearby Guardian Village, whose life forces are being used to aid in the growth of the seeds and strengthen the tree itself. Over the course of the battle, two of Zenki's companions are absorbed into the tree, which they use to their advantage and destroy the plant from the inside. When the villagers are released, Karuma's power is drained and she is released from the tree as an old human woman. Karuma screams in agony and disappears in a blinding light as the tree collapses.


Karuma, shortly after bonding to the Tree of Evil.

Zenki throws his Golden Axe at Karuma, but the weapon barely misses it's target.

The villagers within the Tree of Evil. Karuma states that as long as they're feeding the tree, they'll become immortal.

Karuma creates a ball of energy which will absorb anyone in it's path.

Countering Zenki's attack.

Karuma is wounded by Zenki's attack.

Karuma begins to feel the effects of her attackers from within the tree itself.

With the villagers released, Karuma becomes a withered old woman once she is free from the tree.


Video Games

Karuma (in her tree form) appeared as a "boss" character in the 1996 Super Famicom puzzle/strategy game Kishin Douji Zenki: Tenchi Meidou.

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